Step out of the box and create with Spoked

Spoked Solutions strives to live uncaged - outside of the proverbial box. Creativity happens on many planes of life and is founded upon diversity of experiences. Spoked believes the only way to harness this creativity is to allow others to share their thoughts, originality, uniqueness, and abstract visions. We utilize both our internal teams and external resources to gauge manufacturing-ability and marketability as each is collectively required to bring ideas to life.

We look to design solutions that provide the missing link in services and operational efficiency.  We are not your competition, but the completion of your team.

As with many midsize to large corporations, the time, effort, and residual overhead to execute R&D is not always costs effective. In addition to increased resources, sometimes you just need a different set of eyes.

At Spoked Solutions, we provide companies with a different set of hubs threaded with multiple options and unlimited creativity. We are happy to partner with corporations to assist in troubleshooting and developing simple solutions to both the simple and complex hurdles they encounter.

Spoked Solutions is the ‘why didn’t I think of that’ provider. We  engineer, re-engineer, and re-purpose to provide straightforward solutions to complex problems. 

  • We remove the financial burden of overhead from our larger customers by addressing their technology concerns and efficiency obstacles.

  • We utilize our in-house manufacturing capabilities to control costs, experiment, and produce unparalleled quality.

  • We are efficient and nimble in order to respond to the unpredictable as it occurs in the time and cost sensitive environments of our customers.

  • We design solutions that provide you with your missing link in services and operational efficiency.

  • We seek to be a compliment to your vendors; not a competitor.